Vendor Requirements

The CSU Vendor Accessibility Requirements are defined as part of the CSU commitment to the Policy on Disability Support and Accommodations, Executive Order (EO) 1111 This link will take you to an external website in a new tab., which states in part: “It is the policy of the CSU to make information technology resources and services accessible to all CSU students, faculty, staff and the general public regardless of disability.”

The CSU has taken steps to ensure all vendors have the information needed to successfully complete the procurement process in regards to technology accessibility compliance conformance.

Why is it important?

The use of inaccessible Information and Communication Technology (ICT) may result in individuals with disabilities being prevented from enjoying the full, equally meaningful, usable and timely use of technology.

What types of technology does this policy include?

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. requires ICT that is developed, procured, maintained, or used by the CSU to be accessible.  Examples include computers, telecommunications equipment, multifunction office machines such as copiers that also operate as printers, software, websites, information kiosks and transaction machines, and electronic documents and communications. The Section 508 Standards ensure access for people with physical, sensory, or cognitive disabilities.

What information does the CSU require from a vendor?

Based upon an impact assessment, the CSU requires vendors to provide the following items which help build an understanding of the level of overall accessibility conformance of a product:

Vendor will provide a fully completed, up-to-date Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR) - one for each user interface (e.g. user, admin) - accurately indicating levels of conformance to Section 508 accessibility standards. ACR's are created using the most recent ITIC Section 508 VPAT This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. (template).

The following table indicates which sections must be completed when completing an ACR:

ACR Section Requirements by ICT Type
ICT TypeWCAG 2.0 A, AAChapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6
Web, Web Applications  *
Mobile *  
Software *
Electronic documents  

Additional Requirements - Software (*)

For software, additional sections must be completed if any of the following criteria are met:

ACR Quality Control Checklist

  • All required sections have been completed
  • Report is for current version / release of product
  • Header information (date/name of product/version number/contact info) is up-to-date
  • Accurate Support Criteria statuses have been selected for each criterion
  • Remarks and Explanations include required remarks and explanations

Support Criteria definitions and requirements

Support Criteria definitions and requirements
Support CriteriaWhat Criteria meansRequired Remarks and Explanations
SupportsThe functionality of the product has at least one method that meets the criterion without known defects or meets with equivalent facilitation
  • Describe how the criterion is supported within the product
  • Describe how the support level was validated or tested
Partially Supports

Some functionality of the product does not meet the criterion

  • Describe how the criterion is supported within the product
  • Describe how the support level was validated or tested
  • Describe the barriers created by the partial support of the criterion
  • Describe the functional impact to users as it relates to the criterion
  • Note any known workarounds in the product that allow for equally effective alternate access
Does Not Support

The majority of product functionality does not meet the criterion

  • Describe specifically how the product does not support the criterion
  • Describe how the support level was validated or tested
  • Describe the barriers created by the criterion not being supported
  • Describe the functional impact to users as it relates to the criterion
  • Note any known workarounds in the product that allow for equally effective alternate access
Not Applicable

The criterion is not relevant to the product

  • Describe why the criterion is not applicable to the product

For criterion that indicate partially supports or does not support, the EEAAP committee can use information provided in the Remarks and Explanations in their planning process. An Accessibility Roadmap will include a timeline for remediation of all partially or entirely non-conformant criterion.

Resource: VPAT 2.4Rev508 (February 2020) This link will open a Word document from an external website in a new tab.

Vendor will complete an Accessibility Roadmap to address accessibility gaps identified in any evaluation and on the Accessibility Conformance Report, and includes timelines for when specific gaps will be remediated as well as describing any available workarounds.

Resource: New Vendor Accessibility RoadmapThis link will open a Word document. (docx)

Vendor will publish an accessibility statement linked to each page of the application. The accessibility statement will include:

  • A clear statement of commitment to ensuring equal access for all users
  • A summary of the overall level of compliance with accessible technology standards
  • Information for users with disabilities regarding product accessibility features and barriers
  • Clear instructions for accessing user support
  • A mechanism to allow users to provide accessibility feedback

Resource: Product Accessibility Statement RecommendationsThis link will open a Word document. (docx)

The CSU may request a product demonstration of the ICT products to validate the claims on an Accessibility Conformance Report. Vendors should be prepared to create a test account and provide a tour of the accessibility features of their product via a web conference (provided by the CSU) or in-person meeting.

Note: Prerecorded videos may be accepted for some hardware products. Videos must be captioned and fully accessible.

Prior to the demonstration

Vendors will provide CSU with answers to the following questions:

  • How is accessibility integrated into your development process?
  • Does your company have an accessibility training program for product developers?
  • What specific tools are used for accessibility testing during product development?

The CSU asks that the person(s) conducting the demonstration be familiar with accessibility features and have the technology to demonstrate them including assistive technology (screen readers) and the WAVE plug-in or equivalent tool used by the Vendor.

The CSU will contact you if they wish to schedule a demonstration. Demos will typically take 90 minutes.

Important: Vendors should rehearse the demonstration and check conferencing audio and video before meeting with the CSU.

During the demonstration

General Requirements

  • Demo should be in typical environment e.g. desktop/mobile
  • For products that provide different features based on user roles (e.g. Faculty - Student, User - Admin), demonstrate all interfaces under consideration of purchase by the CSU
  • Run WAVE toolbar, or equivalent, for websites and web applications.
  • Demos should include typical workflows and tasks
  • Demonstrate where a user may find accessibility related information and features including overall Help information and how to contact product support to report a barrier or request assistance, e.g. Accessibility Statement
  • Remove style sheets (CSS) – application should be fully functional when the style sheets are disabled.

Keyboard requirements

  • Operate the entire interface with the keyboard only
  • Demonstrate navigation and typical interactive controls
  • Show a well-defined visual focus throughout

Contrast and Zoom Features

  • Raise the text size to 200% without loss of content or functionality
  • The visual presentation of text and images of text has a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, except for incidental text or images, and logos.

Screen reader use


  • For products that include video, show captions and demonstrate that video player controls are keyboard and screen reader compatible
  • Linked files, such as PDFs You may be asked to provide information regarding the document’s accessibility and how a person may request alternative format if needed

Depending on impact, vendor may be required to provide, at their expense, a comprehensive third-party product accessibility evaluation report including an executive summary that covers the accessibility barriers and the disability groups that are affected by the barriers. Product use cases for the evaluation will be provided by the Purchase Requester.