Executive Support
Each campus President appoints an Executive Sponsor to guide the Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) implementation at their institution. Executive Sponsors lead the implementation effort through the following activities:
- Conduct regular ATI Steering Committee meetings no less than twice per year.
- Ensure Committee membership is comprised of key stakeholder groups
- Ensure Committee members have appropriate experience and expertise to inform decision making.
- Engage in a periodic administrative review process with the Committee regarding challenges, milestones, resources, and documenting ongoing progress.
- Monitor, leverage, and implement deliverables from systemwide ATI activities that will advance efforts.
- Ensure that Committee members monitor, participate in, and contribute to Community of Practice activities.
- Channel ATI communications to appropriate parties.
ATI Executive Sponsors
Campus | Name | Title | |
Bakersfield | Chris Diniz | Interim Associate Vice President and Chief Information Officer | cdiniz@csub.edu |
Bakersfield | Marcus Brown | Director of Equity, Inclusions, and Compliance, Office of the President | mbrown59@csub.edu |
Bakersfield | Thomas Wallace | Vice President for Student Affairs | twallace4@csub.edu |
Chancellors Office | Leon McNaught | Director of Digital Accessibility & Equity | lmcnaught@calstate.edu |
Channel Islands | James August | Associate Vice President for Information Technology Services and Chief Information Officer | james.august@csuci.edu |
Chico | Monique Sendze | Vice President for Information Technology & Chief | msendze@csuchico.edu |
Dominguez Hills | Chris Manriquez | Chief Information Technology Officer | cmanriquez@csudh.edu |
East Bay | Gene Lim | Chief Information Officer | gene.lim@csueastbay.edu |
Fresno | Alam Hasson | Vice Provost | ahasson@csufresno.edu |
Fresno | Bao Johri | Vice President for Technology & Chief Information Officer | baojohri@csufresno.edu |
Fullerton | Willie Peng | Assoc. VP for IT (Academic Affairs ITS) and Academic Technology Services | wpeng@fullerton.edu |
Humboldt | Cade Webb | Deputy Chief Information Officer | cade.webb@humboldt.edu |
Long Beach | Beth Lesen | Vice President of Student Affairs | beth.lesen@csulb.edu |
Long Beach | Min Yao | Vice President for Information Technology Services and Chief Information Officer | min.yao@csulb.edu |
Los Angeles | Elizabeth Heise | Associate Vice President, Faculty Affairs | eheise@calstatela.edu |
Los Angeles | Berhanu Tadesse | Interim Associate Vice President and Chief Information Officer | btadess3@calstatela.edu |
Maritime Academy | Michael Lam | Acting Chief Information Officer | mlam@csum.edu |
Monterey Bay | Tara Hughes | Associate Vice President and Chief Information Officer | tmhughes@csumb.edu |
Northridge | Ron Philip | Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer | ranjit.philip@csun.edu |
Pomona | John McGuthry | Chief Information Officer | jwmcguthry@cpp.edu |
Sacramento | Mark Hendricks | Vice President of Information Resources & Technology and Chief Information Officer | mark.hendricks@csus.edu |
San Bernardino | Kelly Campbell | Vice Provost for Academic Programs | kelly@csusb.edu |
San Bernardino | Gerard Au | Chief Information Officer | gau@csusb.edu |
San Diego | Kirk Campbell | Senior AVP & Deputy CIO for Learning Env, Tech & User Srvs | kirk.campbell@sdsu.edu |
San Francisco | Dai To | Associate Vice President for Disability Access and Student Well-being | daito@sfsu.edu |
San Francisco | Nish Malik | Associate Vice President of Information Technology Services | nish@sfsu.edu |
San Jose State | Magdalena Barrera | Vice Provost for Faculty Success, Office of the Provost | magdalena.barrera@sjsu.edu |
San Luis Obispo | Meggan Levitt | Vice President / Chief Information Officer Information Technology Services | mmlevitt@calpoly.edu |
San Luis Obispo | Cynthia Jackson-Elmoore | Provost & Exec Vice President of Academic Affairs | cje@calpoly.edu |
San Marcos | Barbara Taylor (Delegate) | Director of IITS Academic Technology Services | btaylor@csusm.edu |
San Marcos | Tony Chung (Sponsor) | Chief Information Officer | tchung@csusm.edu |
Sonoma | Justin Lipp | Director of the Center for Teaching and Educational Technology | lipp@sonoma.edu |
Stanislaus | Rose McAuliffe | VP Business & Finance/CFO | rmcauliffe@csustan.edu |
Stanislaus | Al Speckens | Deputy Chief Information Officer/ CISO | aspeckens@csustan.edu |