CSU Office of the Chancellor
Leon McNaught, Director, Digital Accessibility and Equity
Innovation, Digital Experience, & Accessibility
Leon McNaught, Director, Digital Accessibility and Equity
Innovation, Digital Experience, & Accessibility
The CSU Accessible Technology Network (CSU ATN) uses a shared-services model that leverages accessibility expertise across the CSU system. Individuals with expertise in web, institutional materials, and procurement perform specific accessibility tasks that are shared with all CSU campuses. These shared services reduce total costs, improve accessibility services, and reduce the risks of OCR complaints while meeting the needs of campuses. Products of the shared services work are free to all CSU campuses. The ATI director reviews the annual campus accessibility reports to identify areas where shared services will be most beneficial and practical to implement.
Campus | Name | Title | |
Bakersfield | Chris Diniz | Interim Associate Vice President and Chief Information Officer | cdiniz@csub.edu |
Bakersfield | Marcus Brown | Director of Equity, Inclusions, and Compliance, Office of the President | mbrown59@csub.edu |
Bakersfield | Thomas Wallace | Vice President for Student Affairs | twallace4@csub.edu |
Chancellors Office | Leon McNaught | Director of Digital Accessibility & Equity | lmcnaught@calstate.edu |
Channel Islands | James August | Associate Vice President for Information Technology Services and Chief Information Officer | james.august@csuci.edu |
Chico | Monique Sendze | Vice President for Information Technology & Chief | msendze@csuchico.edu |
Dominguez Hills | Chris Manriquez | Chief Information Technology Officer | cmanriquez@csudh.edu |
East Bay | Gene Lim | Chief Information Officer | gene.lim@csueastbay.edu |
Fresno | Alam Hasson | Vice Provost | ahasson@csufresno.edu |
Fresno | Bao Johri | Vice President for Technology & Chief Information Officer | baojohri@csufresno.edu |
Fullerton | Willie Peng | Assoc. VP for IT (Academic Affairs ITS) and Academic Technology Services | wpeng@fullerton.edu |
Humboldt | Cade Webb | Deputy Chief Information Officer | cade.webb@humboldt.edu |
Long Beach | Beth Lesen | Vice President of Student Affairs | beth.lesen@csulb.edu |
Long Beach | Min Yao | Vice President for Information Technology Services and Chief Information Officer | min.yao@csulb.edu |
Los Angeles | Elizabeth Heise | Associate Vice President, Faculty Affairs | eheise@calstatela.edu |
Los Angeles | Berhanu Tadesse | Interim Associate Vice President and Chief Information Officer | btadess3@calstatela.edu |
Maritime Academy | Michael Lam | Acting Chief Information Officer | mlam@csum.edu |
Monterey Bay | Tara Hughes | Associate Vice President and Chief Information Officer | tmhughes@csumb.edu |
Northridge | Ron Philip | Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer | ranjit.philip@csun.edu |
Pomona | John McGuthry | Chief Information Officer | jwmcguthry@cpp.edu |
Sacramento | Mark Hendricks | Vice President of Information Resources & Technology and Chief Information Officer | mark.hendricks@csus.edu |
San Bernardino | Kelly Campbell | Vice Provost for Academic Programs | kelly@csusb.edu |
San Bernardino | Gerard Au | Chief Information Officer | gau@csusb.edu |
San Diego | Kirk Campbell | Senior AVP & Deputy CIO for Learning Env, Tech & User Srvs | kirk.campbell@sdsu.edu |
San Francisco | Dai To | Associate Vice President for Disability Access and Student Well-being | daito@sfsu.edu |
San Francisco | Nish Malik | Associate Vice President of Information Technology Services | nish@sfsu.edu |
San Jose State | Magdalena Barrera | Vice Provost for Faculty Success, Office of the Provost | magdalena.barrera@sjsu.edu |
San Luis Obispo | Meggan Levitt | Vice President / Chief Information Officer Information Technology Services | mmlevitt@calpoly.edu |
San Luis Obispo | Cynthia Jackson-Elmoore | Provost & Exec Vice President of Academic Affairs | cje@calpoly.edu |
San Marcos | Barbara Taylor (Delegate) | Director of IITS Academic Technology Services | btaylor@csusm.edu |
San Marcos | Tony Chung (Sponsor) | Chief Information Officer | tchung@csusm.edu |
Sonoma | Justin Lipp | Director of the Center for Teaching and Educational Technology | lipp@sonoma.edu |
Stanislaus | Rose McAuliffe | VP Business & Finance/CFO | rmcauliffe@csustan.edu |
Stanislaus | Al Speckens | Deputy Chief Information Officer/ CISO | aspeckens@csustan.edu |